How We Work…

“How we work” graphic novel drawn by Max Metzler
How We Work (Text Version)
It all starts with scheduling a ten minute call so we can start to get to know you.
Once we’ve covered the basics such as names and contact information, along with the names of everyone you’ll be bringing along, we’ll talk to you more in-depth about what this experience and these photos mean to you, and why now is the right time for doing this.
We’ll have a brief chat with each person who will be involved in making decisions about your finished artwork. We want to get to know you and learn what your people (and your pets!) mean to you so that during your session we can create photos that will make the most meaningful artwork possible. Then we’ll be able to talk about what your artwork might cost.
Then we’ll check our calendars together and select a day for your sitting and design consultation. You’ll want to set aside half a day for this celebration. You’ll be paying your sitting fee at the time of scheduling.
Our in-studio session fee is just $250 during the week, and $400 on Saturdays (or weekdays after 4 pm). The fee includes your pre-appointment phone consultations, your time in our studio, a cinematic reveal of 30-50 new portraits celebrating you and your loved ones.
The session fee also includes your personalized design and ordering consultation, during which we will plan the most perfect wall art, album and portrait collections for your home and office.
Our session fee is intended to serve one family unit. Sittings normally take place Wednesday through Saturday.
While we’re on the phone, we’ll talk through wardrobe and other information useful for preparing yourselves and your pets.
We’ll send you an email confirming the dates and times for both appointments.
The day arrives! On the day of your sitting, we’ll take a little time to chat while your pets acclimate themselves to the camera room. We’ll move through a collaborative, playful, improvisational session during which we’ll photograph every pet/people/people/pets combinations that might have meaning for you.
After your sitting, you’ll have a 45-60 min break to walk your dogs, visit a local café for a snack, or just sit comfortably in our gallery area while we prepare photos for your design consultation.
The big moment! Seeing your photos for the first time and with the help of our experts, designing artwork for your home.
We'll begin your consultation with a cinematic presentation of all the photos we’ve prepared for you. All you’ll need to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
We'll go through your photos one by one so that you can tell us which photos you love the most. We’ll create a folder of your favorites.
Then we’ll dig in to your favorites folder and with the help of our experts, you’ll design custom artwork that fits your home and your heart.
Once your wall art is designed, we’ll discuss your other needs - photos for offices, desks, mantles, bookshelves, gifts for relatives, portrait chests and photo books.
Once we've finalized your decisions, you’ll be paying for the order. We take all the most popular forms of payment.
Your order will go into production right away so that we can get your completed artwork back to you in the shortest amount of time.
Once we’ve inspected your finished artwork, we’ll call to schedule a pick-up time.
When you come back to the studio to get your artwork, please make sure that the vehicle you bring is big enough for the artwork you’ve ordered!
On this visit, you’ll also be given an opportunity to review your unordered favorites one last time before we commit them to the archive.
Before you go, we’ll talk to you about art installers we work with who can help you install your artwork into its new home.
Your home, transformed.
Check out our tips for a Successful Session.