The Gift That Keeps Giving: David Sutton Studios Enters 30th Year Photographing Pet-Loving Families

Donate food or supplies for a holiday “Picture Day” session benefitting Evanston Animal Shelter’s Food Pantry in December.

(Chicago, IL. | November 27, 2023) - During December, David Sutton Studios, the fine art photo studio dedicated to portraits of pets and the people who love them, will host a Picture Day event to collect food and new or gently loved pet essentials at their Evanston studio. Donations will support Evanston Animal Shelter’s community pantry.

This partnership springs forward in connection with David Sutton’s 30th anniversary of celebrating pet-loving families in art. Sutton’s passion for the way pets support people through major life transitions inspired this charitable partnership.

“With so much heartbreak in our world that we can do very little about, we often feel helpless. But we can prevent some heartbreak right here in our own community,” says Sutton. “That’s why I’m grateful for the Evanston Animal Shelter, where they turn heartbreaking beginnings into heartwarming endings every day. Pets help people heal.”

The Evanston Animal Shelter operates both as an adoption center and pet food pantry for Evanston-area residents who need assistance providing food for their four-legged family members. The shelter operates out of two temporary facilities while building a brand new facility, which will open in 2024. According to the shelter’s website, “We give companion animals the best chance at the life they deserve through rehabilitation, foster care, adoption and community support that keeps pets with the people who love them.”

How “Picture Day” Works: Phone ahead to sign up for your mini-session [847-679-8090]. Each session can accommodate 1 person with 1 dog. Sessions will take place on Thursday, December 14th and Saturday, December 16th. Bring your donation of unopened pet food or gently used collars, harnesses, pet toys or blankets to David Sutton Studios (3417 Church St, Evanston) on the day of your session.

Each mini-session includes a photographer curated, print-quality photo select, delivered electronically. These photos may be used for holiday cards and make perfect social media profile photos.

All donors will be entered entered to win $600 toward a full Sutton Studios portrait experience with David and his team. This highly personalized experience includes our discovery process, your full photo session and a cinematic design consultation.

“There are no words to tell you how much this has meant to me, my husband and my son. The photos are beautiful and heart rending beyond imagination.”

“The Doctor Doolittle of photographers”–Chicago Tribune


Jessica Gillepsie, THE PR Handler, 630-988-6007